Degen Bracket Update βš”οΈπŸ€

Details on claiming your prizes and staked $DGEN

And the winner is…..Β 

Congrats to Brad_C5 for winning the Degen Bracket Challenge! And thank you to everyone who played with us this year.

Quick update on claiming prizes:Β 

Staked $DGEN and tournament prizes will be available to claim by next Tuesday. As it's our first time using our new reward engine, the team is taking extra steps to make sure it works as planned. We'll send an email as soon as you can claim your rewards.

For anyone who won an NFT prize, we'll be reaching out to confirm the wallet address and sending rewards by the end of this week. We'll also be completing any outstanding B2E NFT prize awards by EOW.

We appreciate your patience and thank you again for joining us for an incredible tournament! Keep an eye on twitter for some other exciting news.