🏌️‍♂️ Major Announcement Alert

Final golf major community contest & $DGEN DAO spaces...

🎧 ICYMI: $DGEN and Degen DAO Twitter Spaces

Last night, we held a Twitter Spaces going into detail about the upcoming $DGEN community claim and corresponding launch of the Degen DAO.

Highlights include:

  • Drew and Jared talk about the genesis of Knights of Degen and how the launch of $DGEN and the Degen DAO is a full circle moment for the goals to decentralize KOD and give more control to the community from the start

  • Groff outlines how to get involved with the DAO and next phase of community participation

  • Details on the $DGEN claim including date, allocation for Knights and Steedz and how $DGEN powers the Knights of Degen ecosystem

🏌️‍♂️ Last Call: Take a Swing in our Final Major Community Contest

Join the final golf major community contest of the season hosted by the legend, JBriggs, to celebrate the British Open. Get your picks in for the Run Your Pool contest before it goes live tomorrow morning!

You will pick six (6) PGA players to make up your Player Roster. The pool member with the aggregate stroke total for their Player Roster is the winner for that tournament. All picks are hidden until the first scheduled tee time on Thursday of the tournament.

$25 entry. Reach out to @Jbriggs24 in our Discord golf channel to join.